Friday, August 10, 2007

Oh, how TASP curses me so...

It haunts me, I swear. In a good way, of course. I'm still seeing you guys everywhere.

Anyway, today I went out for Chinese and got a fortune cookie. And guess what it said? "Put special emphasis on old friendship." Naturally, I thought of all you and decided for the seventeenth bazillionth time that yes, we all need to stay in touch with each other for the rest of our lives. The fortune now lies in my TASP Godiva Chocolate bag, soon to become the TASP memory box.

Then I went to see Harry Potter. But all I could think about was our trip to the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village and the IMAX theatre. The movie was less than satisfactory, by the way. Cho Chang? Who would actually fall in love with such a ditz?

On a side note, I used one of the four samurai swords I brought home to kill a spider. I knew that the decision to bring them home was not in vain. I'm scared to touch the spider (it's rather huge - it was quite the battle to bring it down), though, so now it lies, curled up in all its glory, on the carpet in the middle of my room.

If I haven't stressed it enough, I love you all! Let's make a reunion committee, who wants to join :D

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